Projects | Education | Advocacy

Annual Gathering for AFAAD members
AFAAD holds an annual Gathering for adoptees and foster care alumni of African descent. The purpose of our annual Gatherings are to make connections, network, provide healing space, and to celebrate the diversity of our amazing diaspora of transracial, international, domestic adoptees and foster care alums. It is a weekend of discussion, sharing research, workshops and informational sessions about the personal and the global politics of adoption and its impact on the global black community.We also take time for strategic planning of long-term goals of AFAAD as a social justice and community support organization. AFAAD Gathering is for adoptees and foster care alumni only.

Discussion Groups
AFAAD holds monthly discussion groups for AFAAD members. We focus on multiple topics. Search and Reunion, Negotiating Birth and Adoptive/Foster Family, Dealing with the Unknowns of the Past, Healing and Reconciliation and much more.

Chapter Development
AFAAD currently has two chapters. AFAAD Bay Area and AFAAD MN.


Public Education Events
AFAAD holds multiple public education events for the community to educate and share the voices and research of adoptees and foster care alumni.

Family Education and Training
AFAAD is committed to providing education and support for adoptees and children in foster care across the globe by offering workshops with social welfare professionals, writers and artists.

AFAAD’s Speakers Bureau offers a wide range of consultation and support services for families who are both considering transracial/ international adoption and those who are already parenting a child of a different race. AFAAD’s speakers bureau workshops fulfill the Hauge requirements for international adoption. Please email us directly for more information.


AFAAD is working in collaboration with multiple adoptee organizations around issues of international adoption and child trafficking.

ACR – Adoptee of Color Roundtable

AFAAD supports the legislative efforts of organizations like: